How to Senior Proof Your Home

Senior proofing your home doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

By focusing on key areas, you can create a safer living space that reduces the risk of accidents and enhances comfort.

Our Senior Proof Recommendations include:

  1. Eliminate Trip Hazards:
    • Remove loose rugs, clutter, and any obstacles from walkways.
    • Ensure that floors are even and that there are no loose tiles or floorboards.
  2. Install Grab Bars:
    • Place grab bars in the bathroom near the toilet and inside the shower or bathtub.
    • Ensure that handrails are securely installed on both sides of stairways.
  3. Improve Lighting:
    • Increase the brightness of lighting in hallways, staircases, and other areas where visibility is essential.
    • Consider installing night lights in bedrooms and bathrooms for easier navigation in the dark.
  4. Upgrade Bathroom Safety:
    • Install a walk-in shower or bathtub with non-slip flooring.
    • Consider a shower chair or bench to reduce the risk of slipping.
  5. Adjust Kitchen Layout:
    • Store frequently used items within easy reach to avoid unnecessary bending or stretching.
    • Use appliances with easy-to-read displays and simple controls.
  6. Enhance Entryways:
    • Install ramps if there are steps leading into the home, ensuring easy access for those with mobility issues.
    • Make sure that entryways are well-lit and that doorways are wide enough for walkers or wheelchairs.

By taking these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of falls and other accidents, allowing seniors to live more confidently in their own homes.

To schedule your free safety evaluation call us at 833-373-6467.